We are what we eat, so we encourage healthy eating practices…
Nutritional Health
Promoting healthy diets and fostering a culture of good nutrition are fundamental to employee wellbeing.
Not only does good nutrition significantly impact our physical health, it affects our mental health, too. A healthy, well-balanced diet can help us think clearly and feel more alert. It can also improve our concentration and attention span.
Key Points
- Nutritional Health Focus: Berge Bulk promotes healthy eating practices to enhance both physical and mental wellbeing of employees.
- Hydroponic Fresh Produce: Onboard hydroponic systems provide access to fresh vegetables and herbs, promoting healthy choices for crew members.
- Healthy Eating Challenges: Regular challenges on the Well@Sea platform promote healthy habits.
- Great Taste, Less Waste Cookbook: Features 20 easy, healthy recipes that use leftover ingredients to minimise waste and encourage nutritious eating.
Hydroponic Fresh Produce
To enhance crew wellbeing and dietary variety, many of our vessels now feature onboard hydroponic systems. This helps to ensure greater access to fresh produce and supports crew members in making healthy choices.
Utilising an aeroponic method, these systems enable the galley crew to cultivate fresh vegetables and herbs in a vertical, soil-free environment. Nutrient-rich water mists regularly shower the plant roots, optimising absorption of light, air, water, and essential minerals.
A variety of edible plants, including tomatoes, lettuce, kale, basil, and rosemary — all grown within a single vertical unit onboard — are then used in delicious daily meals.
Our current goal is to harvest one tonne of hydroponic vegetables fleetwide, providing our crews with a fantastic source of fresh, healthy food whilst at sea.
“Having hydroponic systems on board is refreshing to the eyes and fulfilling to the senses, especially during harvest. We get access to fresh produce without pesticides or chemicals and the crew really enjoys them.”Mario Dagdag
Well@Sea: Healthy Eating Challenges
On a regular basis, we run engaging nutritional challenges on the Well@Sea platform. These initiatives are aimed at promoting healthy eating habits, preventing chronic disease and enhancing overall employee wellbeing.
These interactive challenges encourage participants to adopt healthy dietary practices.
There is a diverse range of activities — such as preparing dishes from our Berge Bulk Great Taste, Less Waste cookbook, committing to low-carb diet options and maintaining a sugar-free diet in observance of World Diabetes Day.
Great Taste, Less Waste Cookbook
Berge Bulk is dedicated to minimising waste, fostering a waste-conscious culture, and supporting sustainable waste management, and we set yearly waste reduction targets for each vessel.
In collaboration with our crew members, we’ve created the Great Taste, Less Waste Cookbook. Featuring twenty easy, healthy recipes that use common leftover ingredients, the focus is on nutritious eating. Showcasing dishes from China, India, the Philippines and Europe, each recipe reflects our crew’s unique culinary styles as well as their commitment to waste reduction and healthy living.

The cookbook has been shared with all Berge Bulk colleagues. The book emphasises the importance of repurposing leftovers, and encourages our Berge Bulk colleagues, both onboard and at sea, to join the effort in minimising waste and embracing a healthier lifestyle.
To highlight the significance of healthy eating and minimising food waste, we have selected three recipes from the cookbook and made them into straightforward tutorial videos for you to follow.
Check them out below:
How We Support Your Physical Health
Find out how, alongside healthy eating, we encourage all our colleagues to stay physically active and maintain their fitness…
Great Taste, Less Waste Cookbook
Inspired by members of the crew, this cookbook contains twenty easy recipes that will help us all love our leftovers…